herne bay hideaway, auckland new zealand

Architecture by Lloyd Hartley Architects Interior design by Lloyd Hartley Architects Photography by David Straight

Lloyd Hartley were asked to transform an existing 1960’s brick & tile house into a modern home that responds to its context and provides a private city oasis for a young family.

A covered entry courtyard, with the house bridging over, creates a pedestrian friendly entrance - whilst also providing a sense of release to the end of the long drive via borrowed views to neighbouring tennis-court. The spatial enhancement of crucial areas is a key driver to the rest of the design with the open stairwell drawing in light from above and the main living areas given extra height to fully embrace the stunning outlook and natural light.

The house is extended to provide a direct link to the rear landscaping and exterior upper level decks are provided to allow the various living areas and courtyards to connect. A carefully selected palette of natural materials and clean detailing ties the house together creating a cohesive and timeless whole - Lloyd Hartley Architects


Edgars Creek House


Barcelona Pavilion